Formula. The normal retirement benefit is calculated as follows: final compensation, which is the average of the member's three highest years of legislative creditable compensation, times the member's service credit rate, times the years of service credited to the member's account. Members of the Plan contributing on or after June 20, 2005, are eligible for reciprocity for service in the Kentucky Retirement System, the Kentucky Teachers Retirement System and the Judicial Retirement Plan in determining the high three salary years, provided there is a simultaneous commencement of benefits from the systems or plans included in the reciprocity. (Reciprocity with the Judicial Retirement Plan also applies to former members not receiving Plan benefits as of June 20, 2005.) The service credit rate, is 2.75%, except for members who were in office on July 1, 1982, the service credit rate varies according to the date of entering legislative service, as follows: entry before July 1, 1978, 5.00%; entry between July 1, 1978 and June 30, 1980, 4,15%; entry between July 1, 1980 and June 30, 1982, 3.50%.
Normal Retirement Benefit. The benefit is payable in the full computed amount only if the retiree is at his/her normal retirement age (or over) at the commencement of retirement benefit payments, or the retiree has 27 years of total state governmental service credit. The normal retirement age is 65, except that it shall be reduced by one year, but no more than five years total, for each five years of service credit in the Plan.
Early Retirement Benefit. A retiree at an age below normal retirement age, or with less than 27 years of state governmental service credit may choose to be paid reduced benefits commencing at retirement, or at any age before reaching normal retirement age. In that event, the benefit will be reduced five percent per year for the lesser of the number of years between (a) the retiree’s normal retirement age and the retiree’s actual age at the time benefits commence, or (b) 27 years of service and the retiree’s years of total governmental service.
Alternative Benefit Payment Options. Before the commencement of benefit payments, the member (or retiree) may elect to take an optional retirement allowance that shall be actuarially equivalent to the amount of retirement allowance otherwise payable to the member/retiree and potential survivor. The options shall include survivorship 100%, or survivorship 66-2/3%.
Benefits Payable While Continuing in Service. The 1986 Federal Tax Reform Act imposed an excise tax on vested benefits of a public retirement plan not drawn by a member who had reached a specified age (then age 70-1/2) but continued in service. Legislation was passed in 1988 to allow the Plan to commence payment of benefits to a member who would be subject to such excise tax. The 1988 Federal Tax Reform Act repealed this requirement; however, if federal law again makes such a requirement, benefits under the Plan to the member will commence as of the date the member reaches the specified age, calculated as if the member had retired on the commencement date. Such member will have the option of continuing to be a participating member of the Plan while remaining in service, in which case additional benefits will accrue, counting the years of service after the commencement of drawing the initial benefits. The combined monthly total of the initial and additional benefits cannot exceed the final compensation on which the additional benefits are calculated.
Return to Membership After Period of Drawing Benefits. If a member retires and draws benefits, and thereafter again becomes a member (by again occupying a qualified office), the current benefits will continue, and the member will accrue additional benefits on the same basis as described in the preceding paragraph for a member drawing benefits while still in service.
Combining Service Credit of Spouses. Where spouses both have served in the General Assembly, but not simultaneously, and each elected to participate and accumulated service credit in the Plan, they may combine their credit into a single account, and designate to which one the normal retirement benefit shall be paid.
Designation of Beneficiary. Upon the death of a member or retiree, the surviving spouse, or if none, the qualified child (or children) of the member or retiree is entitled to survivor’s benefits. However, a member/retiree may designate that a qualified child (or children) shall receive all or a portion of those benefits to which the spouse otherwise would have been entitled.
Surviving Spouse of Member Who Dies in Office. No minimum period of service by the member, or minimum age, is required to make eligible for benefits the surviving spouse of a member who dies in office. If the member was under age 65 at death, the surviving spouse will be entitled to a monthly benefit, payable for life, equal to one-half the benefit the member would have been entitled to had the member continued to serve until reaching age 65. If the member was 65 or older at death, the surviving spouse’s benefit will be one-half the benefit the member would have been entitled to receive had the member retired on the day of death, on the basis of the number of years of service credit the member had achieved. The final compensation to be used in either formula is the average monthly compensation of the member’s office for the 60 months immediately preceding death.
Surviving Spouse of Retiree Who Dies After Leaving Office. A surviving spouse of a retiree who dies after leaving office is entitled to benefits only if married to the former member at the time the member left office. If the retiree is drawing benefits at the time of death, the surviving spouse shall be entitled to the amount prescribed in the “Benefit Payment Option” selected by the retiree at the time benefits commenced. The benefit payment options are (1) one-half of the retiree’s normal retirement benefit, (2) survivorship 100% benefit or (3) survivorship 66-2/3% benefit. If the retiree had deferred drawing benefits, the surviving spouse is entitled to a monthly benefit equal to one-half of the retiree’s normal retirement benefit.
Benefits for Children. If a member or retiree dies leaving no surviving spouse eligible for benefits, or leaves such a spouse who later dies, a benefit equal to the spouse’s benefit will be payable to the child (or children, collectively) of the member or retiree. The benefits will be payable until the child’s 21st birthday, unless the child is disabled. Benefits to a disabled child will continue for his/her life.
A member who began participating in the Judicial Retirement Plan prior to January 1, 2014, who retires for disability as provided by this subsection shall be entitled to receive commencing immediately a disability retirement allowance, payable monthly during his disability, in an amount equal to one-half (1/2) of the monthly service retirement allowance he would have received commencing at his normal retirement date if he had continued in service until that date and had then retired, computed however on the basis of his final compensation at time of actual retirement.
If the period of service on which a benefit from the Plan is being paid is at least four years, the Plan will pay a percentage of the premium (subject to the maximum funding level as annually set by the Board of Trustees) for hospital and medical insurance coverage for the retiree and qualified dependents of the retiree. The percentages are dependent upon the legislator's years of service credit, and they are: 4 years through 9 years and 11 months, 25%; 10 years through 10 years and 11 months, 50%; for each year thereafter, an additional 5% is added; at 20 years or more, the percentage will be 100%. If the retiree has service in one, or more, of the other state-supported retirement systems or plans of the Commonwealth, all the retiree’s state governmental service credit shall be consolidated for the purpose of determining the percentage of payment. The percentages are the same as set forth above. The percentage of payment, resulting from consolidation, shall not apply to the qualified dependents of the retiree.